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图文:李鹏和戈尔共同主持“中美环境和发展讨论会” 2002年02月20日21:50 《中美关系30年》画册



  Li Peng, Premier of the State Council, and Albert Gore, the visiting US
Vice-Preident, cohosted the Sino-US Symposium on Environment and Development and were present at the ceremony in March 1997 for signing three documents between the Chinese and US Governments concerning the Agreement to Retain the US Consulate-General in the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region, the Contract on the Project for Building Cars with Joint Investment by the Head Office of the Shanghai Automobile Industry Group and the Gencral Motors Corporation of the United States and the Project for Setting up an Auto Industry Technical Center and the Agreement on Ordering Boeing 777 airplanes by Air China.



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